名前 | 型 / デフォルト値 | 概要 |
visible | bool | Indicates whether the toast open and shown. (翻訳中) Optional. |
isOpen | bool |
DEPRECATED! Use visible instead.
animation | string |
Animation name. Available animations are "default" , "ascend" (Android), "lift" (iOS), "fall" , "fade" or "none" .
modifier | string | The appearance of the toast. (翻訳中) Optional. |
animationOptions | object |
Specify the animation’s duration, delay and timing. E.g. {duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'} .
onPreShow | func | Called just before the toast is displayed. (翻訳中) Optional. |
onPostShow | func | Called just after the toast is displayed. (翻訳中) Optional. |
onPreHide | func | Called just before the toast is hidden. (翻訳中) Optional. |
onPostHide | func | Called just after the toast is hidden. (翻訳中) Optional. |
onDeviceBackButton | func | Custom handler for device back button. (翻訳中) Optional. |
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