<Navigator />


    renderPage={(route, navigator) =>
       onPop={() => navigator.popPage()}
        title: 'First Page'
    }} />
名前 型 / デフォルト値 概要
renderPage func This function takes the current route object as a parameter and returns a React component. (翻訳中) 必須
initialRouteStack array

This array contains the initial routes from the Navigator, which will be used to render the initial pages in the renderPage method.

initialRoute object

This array contains the initial route of the navigator, which will be used to render the initial pages in the renderPage method.

onPrePush func
() => null
Called just before a page is pushed. It gets an event object with route information. (翻訳中) Optional.
onPostPush func
() => null
Called just after a page is pushed. It gets an event object with route information. (翻訳中) Optional.
onPrePop func
() => null
Called just before a page is popped. It gets an event object with route information. Optional.
onPostPop func
() => null
Called just after a page is popped. It gets an event object with route information. (翻訳中) Optional.
animation string

Animation name. Available animations are "slide", "lift", "fade" and "none". These are platform based animations. For fixed animations, add "-ios" or "-md" suffix to the animation name. E.g. "lift-ios", "lift-md". Defaults values are "slide-ios" and "fade-md".

animationOptions object Specify the animation’s duration, delay and timing. E.g. {duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}. (翻訳中) Optional.
swipeable union Enables swipe-to-pop functionality for iOS. (翻訳中) Optional.
swipePop func Optional function called on swipe-to-pop. If provided, must perform a popPage with the given options object. (翻訳中) Optional.
onDeviceBackButton func Custom handler for device back button. (翻訳中) Optional.


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