<ons-back-button />


Stack navigation

The Navigator is a component that provides stack based navigation. It is a very common navigation pattern in mobile apps.

After pushing a page to the top of the stack it will be displayed using transition animation. When the user goes back to the previous page the top page will be popped from the top of the stack and hidden with an corresponding transition animation.

Basic usage

The Navigator maintains a stack of route objects. These objects can be arbitrary objects and are rendered into pages with the renderPage property. The renderPage property must be set to a function that returns a Page component.

To push a new page on top of the stack, the pushPage(route) method is used. Similarly, a page is popped from the stack with the popPage() method.

The stack must be initialized with either the initialRoute or initialRouteStack, depending on whether the the stack needs to be initialized with one or more pages.

The back button

The BackButton component can be used to put a back button in the navigation bar. The component will automatically find the Navigator component and pop a page when pressed.

  <div className='left'>
  <div className='center'>

Customizing the animation

There are several animations available for the Navigator component. To change the animation the animation property is used. Available animations are slide, lift and fade. Setting the property to none will make the transition instantly.

It is also possible to customize the duration, delay and timing function of the animation using the animationOptions property.

  animationOptions={{duration: 0.2, timing: 'ease-in'}}

For iOS’ “swipe to pop” feature, add the swipeable prop. Note that this behavior is automatically removed on Android platforms unless swipeable={'force'} is specified.


名前 型 / デフォルト値 概要
modifier String バックボタンの見た目を指定します。 Optional.
名前 概要
options オプションを指定するオブジェクト。

Animation name. Available animations are “slide”, “lift”, “fade” and “none”. These are platform based animations. For fixed animations, add “-ios” or “-md” suffix to the animation name. E.g. “lift-ios”, “lift-md”. Defaults values are “slide-ios” and “fade-md”.

options.animationOptions アニメーション時のduration, delay, timingを指定します。e.g. {duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}
options.callback このメソッドによる画面遷移が終了した際に呼び出される関数オブジェクトを指定します。
onClick Used to override the default back button behavior. (翻訳中)
Name 概要
material Material Design style (翻訳中)


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